Renowned Author Avery Emerson Lee’s Newest Book ‘THE MUSE’ Tells an Epic Story of Love Lost and Found

Published On Mar 2, 2022
Seasoned writer Avery Emerson Lee has penned down his real-life experiences and created a fiction, ‘THE MUSE’ featuring the story of two star-crossed lovers.
Renowned Author Avery Emerson Lee’s Newest Book ‘THE MUSE’ Tells an Epic Story of Love Lost and Found

Romance has been always the most popular genre in the history of literary works. Eminent author and talented musician Avery Emerson Lee has once again showcased his literary expertise in the romance genre in his popular novel, ‘THE MUSE’ on Amazon. The book is based on the epic love story of two impressive characters William Jefferson Dupree and Betsy Marie. William, a popular musician and Betsy find themselves in love in 1979. They have a six-month-long passionate relationship until Dupree goes on a tour with his Grammy-nominated country music band.

After the end of their affair, Betsy discovers that she is pregnant and it pushes her to rediscover the love she had lost. William totally unaware of the situation receives a message on Facebook from Betsy after thirty-five years that brings a drastic change in his life. The love story that began in the May of 1979 ignites once again 35 years later with a twist. The book, ‘William Jefferson Dupree and Betsy Marie: THE MUSE’ is one of the finest creations so far by Avery Emerson Lee. Find the book on Amazon and follow him on Facebook and Instagram for more updates.

Book is Available on Amazon


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