Get into the habit of writing with this 30-day writing challenge

Published On Nov 27, 2023
Challenging yourself as a writer is a great idea to get that creativity out. But taking the 30-day writing challenge will get you in the habit of writing.
Get into the habit of writing with this 30-day writing challenge

Becoming a better writer requires commitment, a commitment to work on yourself tirelessly. Presenting a challenge to yourself to become a better writer is always a great idea and the outcome would be something creative. However, that needs commitment as well. So take this 30-day challenge to make yourself a better writer, and mostly, get into the habit of writing. 

The quality of producing a high-quality writing piece does not happen overnight, it needs regularity. Staying consistent is the key to making steady progress. If you really think about it, writing every day might be a superpower that helps you think deeply and get more creative. So get into this commitment of taking the 30-day writing challenge and see the growth in yourself just in a month. Let's look at the rules and what topics you can write about these days. 

The rules: 

As this is a challenge that you are taking with yourself you will not find written rules to follow. But this does not mean that you will not be following some. There is a misconception that creative people do not follow rules, however, rules and discipline are the key ingredients for success in any field. 

First of all, set a goal for yourself that you need to achieve every day. This goal can be completing an entire topic by the day, or setting up a word count target that you have to write every day. If you are choosing the first one, make sure you are selecting a topic you want to write about every day and finishing the entire post by that day, there would be no word limit. 

If you are choosing the latter, make sure you have set a word count goal, say you have decided to achieve the target of 300 words each day. This means no matter what, no matter when, no matter which topic you are choosing, you have to write a minimum of 300 words every day for an entire month. 

To make this even more interesting, pick a genre and post what you have written online as a form of maintaining a blog every day. This will help you stay consistent. But make sure, when you are starting, start with what you want to improve the most. 

What would you write about? 

When you are figuring out what to write about, make sure to stick to a single theme. Finding a theme for the writing is important because it is a lot harder to stick to a single theme for 30 whole days than to write on random topics. Well, after all this is called a writing challenge for some reason! 

Secondly, make sure that whatever you are writing, you are describing something meaningful. Saying something of substance would prove to be quite difficult, so if you are an expert at something, or have ample knowledge about a field, it would be better to write about that. But even if you are not, you can write about your take on something or experiences that you have lived. 

A realistic blueprint: 

●   Think about three things that you want to say about the topic and get started. 

●   Think about the reasons and write those down about why this is an important thing for the topic. Now repeat for all the three things that you have noted down at first. 

●   For each of the three things that you have noted down, write what would happen if those did not exist or something exactly opposite of those things existed in this world. 

●   Think about why the reader should care or give importance to each thing and write about your position. 

●   Write a short intro about what you will write about and let the reader know why they should pay attention to it.

●   Write a summary of the whole content.

Now you can use this formula on almost anything and everything you want to write about. It is not necessary to follow this blueprint, but this is just a simple head start for you, as you progress, you can follow any other way that is suitable to your taste. All works as long as you are making real progress and staying consistent in this journey. Make sure to commit for just 30 days and see yourself becoming a better writer with time.

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